German Classes

German Language Classes are indispensible if you want to get a job in Germany

Although all classes and exams will be held in English, good German skills will help to get around in Germany and to find a job. Therefore, mandatory German classes are an important part of our program.

The courses will be offered based on your knowledge. Typically, we will offer courses from A1 to B2. Even if you already have attended courses in your home country, attending additional classes in Germany makes sense, as we put a strong focus on speaking and listening skills.

Every course, which aims at reaching the next language level, consists of an intensive phase during the semester break and an extensive phase during the semester. Every student has to attend and pass two German courses. This means, that you will reach a minimum level of A2. However, our experience shows that a level of B1-B2 significantly improves your job perspectives - and is much more fun during your everyday life, as you can easily communicate with your environment.

Short Excursions contribute to the intercultural experience and provide an opportunity to apply the German language in a relaxed manner.

Our course structure consists of the following elements:

Online-language test before arrival in Germany

A1 course

  1. Intensive phase A1 (every day) - September
  2. Extensive Phase A1 (twice a week) - October until January
  3. Exams for A1 level - beginning of February

A2 course

  1. Intensive phase A2 (every day) - February until March
  2. Extensive Phase A2 (twice a week) - April until June
  3. Exams for A2 level - beginning of July

Please note: As the course will continue during February / March, you are obliged to stay in Darmstadt during that period.

Preparatory studies:

Although it is not mandatory, we recommend students use the time before they come to Germany to start studying the German language.

Especially those who cannot make it in time until 1st of September should engage in self-study, as the rest of the students have already started with German classes before.

Check if some local institutions like the Goethe Institut are available in your town. They offer high quality language courses. In addition, you may want to check and work with the Deutsche Welle website. Go to: and select "Learn German" in the head menu. Choose one of the following courses:

  • Deutsch Interaktiv
  • Mission Europe
  • Deutsch, warum nicht?

To successfully pass a course, you have to

  • Be present during at least 90% of all classes (for your oral mark) and
  • Get a satisfactory oral mark and
  • Get a satisfactory written mark at the end of the course

Please note: As the course will continue during February / March, you are obliged to stay in Darmstadt during that period.

Pre-requisit to begin with the Internship:
German language test: At least A1 or higher

Pre-requisit to begin with the Master Thesis:
German language test: At least A2 or higher

Recognition of German language skills

Students have to take two German language courses to achieve at least A2.2 level or improve by 2 full levels (A2.1/ A2.2 and B1.1/ B1.2) if they already have German skills. You can get one course recognised if your level is already at least B1 and attend another course at level B2. Please fill in the recognition form and send it to the Sprachenzentrum ( together with your language certificate.


Placement Level

Placement level

Completed level


A2.2 - successfully


B1.1 - successfully


B1.2 - successfully


B2.1 - successfully


B2.2 - no exam required - certificate of successful participation


B2.2 - no exam required - certificate of successful participation


B2.2 - no exam required - certificate of successful participation


the highest levels are recognised

German Courses at external institutes during your studies are not recognised

Students who already have successfully followed a German class before they come to h-da can transfer these credits. Please contact the language centre for details.

However, this only makes sense if you already have a very high (B2+) level in reading, writing AND listening, speaking. Therefore this should not be the default descision, instead you should try to further strengthen your skills.