Heidelberg Castle


Intercultural Workshops

Living in a new country is an exciting adventure!

To make it a success story we will not only shape up your technical skills. With our intercultural workshops we will introduce you to the German way of life and give you an understanding of what you can expect of your new country and what is expected from you.

We will explain to you how to study and to apply for a good position in a German company.


To dive-in a new culture you need some information about the history of your new environment. On our excursions you will explore the region and learn German's history by visiting Heidelberg and Western Germany's former capital Bonn.

Possibly you will make a trip to Frankfurt with your student guides and during your studies you will have the possibility to travel with the International Office to other interesting sites in Germany and Europe to get to know your new country.

During your studies a variety of technical excursion e.g. to the Embedded World exhibition in Nuremberg will be organised.