
The major Communications offers an in-depth background aiming at state of the art communication techniques.

The program builds the student’s ability to participate in research and implementation of projects dealing with modulation and coding schemes.

It also expands student‘s knowledge on microwave components and systems as well as theory and applications of discrete time signals.

The program is highly research oriented and has been designed to not just offer a factual knowledge but also various chances to apply what has been learned in the lectures during laboratories.

Module Overview


Modul Name




common modules



Technical Management

5 CP



Team Project

5 CP




30 CP



Master Module

30 CP



mandatory modules



Advanced Digital Signal Processing

5 CP



Advanced Modulation

5 CP



Microwave Components and Systems

5 CP



Advanced Software Design and Development

5 CP



System-Driven Hardware Design

5 CP



Fields, Waves and Antennas

5 CP



Information Networks

5 CP



elective modules



Digital Signal Processing Applications

2,5 CP

1 or 2


Wireless Systems (Technologies)

2,5 CP

1 or 2


Network Security

2,5 CP

1 or 2


Mobile Communications

2,5 CP

1 or 2


Optical Communications

2,5 CP

1 or 2


(I)Iot and Cloud Networking

2,5 CP

1 or 2


Smart Home

2,5 CP

1 or 2


Image and Video Processing

2,5 CP

1 or 2

Module Description


Modul Name



Technical Management

Content of course “Project Management”

This course provides an introduction to professional project management.

It covers the areas

- introduction into industry process models, e.g. CMMi and SPICE,

- project structure, phases, roles and workflow,

- relevant methods for requirements engineering, concept development, realization and testing

- planning and estimation methods,

- risk management,

- project tracking metrics,

- team building and team management,

- change and configuration management,

- quality assurance and reviews,

- agile methods like SCRUM.


Content of course “Engineering Responsibility”

This course provides an introduction into legal aspects of engineering and discusses the aspect of engineering responsibility. It covers the areas

- legal and ethical aspects of engineering responsibility

- relevance of penal law, civil law and liability

- patent rights

- employment law

- special liability for safety and security systems

- relevant differences in German, European and international laws



Team Project

Content of course “Team Project”

In this course, the students execute a practical project using the methods presented in the module “Technical Management”. It covers the areas:

- practical development of a technical system (project work)

- project management and work package agreement,

- requirements engineering, system design,

- implementation and testing,

- team building and team communication,

- and documentation and presentation of the results.




Content of German Class:

- German Class 1: A1 level or higher

- German Class 2: higher than German Class 1 level, at least A2 level


Content of Preliminary Seminar:

- Preparative items (such as regulations and application matters) are presented.


Content of Internship:

The student has to solve an engineering task in the area of electrical engineering and information technology under the guidance of an industrial supervisor and an academic supervisor. This internship work can involve one of the following areas:

- Research and development work

- Project planning and design

- Manufacturing, preparation of work

- Assembly

- Test bed, quality control




Master Module

Module Content

- Practically and/or theoretically oriented scientific work in the area of the chosen major

- Written thesis

- Colloquium



Modul Name



Advanced Digital Signal Processing

Content of “Advanced Digital Signal Processing – Lecture”: The course will cover

• Discrete-time signal transforms (e.g. discrete-time Fourier transform, z-transform, DFT/FFT, DCT)

• Principles and methods of digital filter design (IIR and FIR filters)

• Implementation aspects of digital filters

• Multi-rate systems (interpolation, decimation, sampling rate conversion) and filter banks

• Adaptive digital systems

• Spectral estimation methods


Content of “Advanced Digital Signal Processing – Lab”: The lab exercises cover

• Discrete-time signal transforms

• Digital filter design and implementation

• Multi-rate systems

• Adaptive digital systems

5 CP


Advanced Modulation

Content of course “Advanced Modulation - Lecture”

Participants will be exposed to and gain working experience with advanced modulation schemes, multiple antenna transmitters and receivers, parameter and synchronization techniques, and channel coding schemes. The course will cover

- Detection and estimation of parameters in white Gaussian noise

- Multicarrier modulation


- Vector coding

- Synchronization and parameter estimation

- Capacity of wireless channels

- Water-filling optimization

- Multi-antenna systems (SIMO, MISO, MIMO)


Content of course “Advanced Modulation - Lab”

Lab exercises with Matlab and software-defined radio (SDR) modules will cover

- Implementation of transmitter and receiver (QAM and OFDM)

- Channel capacity and waterfilling optimization

- Multi-antenna systems

5 CP


Microwave Components and Systems

Content of course „Microwave Components and Systems – Lecture“:

1. Components:

- Transmission lines and waveguides

- Microwave network analysis

- Power dividers and directional couplers

- Microwave filters

2. Systems:

- Noise and nonlinear distortion

- Systems aspects of antennas and wireless communications

- Synthesizers and mixers

- Receiver architectures


Content of course “Microwave Components and Systems – Lab”:

Gaining in depth practical measurement experiences in RF and microwaves in chosen topics of the lecture

5 CP


Advanced Software Design and Development

Module Content

Object oriented programming applied to selected communication systems of medium level complexity, e.g. C++ and Matlab.

The course will cover

- introduction to selected examples of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and protocols commonly used in the field of communication;

- introduction to and application of the UML, OOA and OOD techniques in order to design the communication systems using APIs and protocols;

- introduction to and application of design patterns in order to implement the communication systems;

- systematic test techniques.

Requirements of the selected systems, technical basics of the APIs and protocols as well as the software techniques mentioned above are introduced and discussed during the lecture. The design of the example communication systems is jointly done during the lecture as well as in individual work or in teamwork. Hands-on programming is done individually in preparation of the labs and during the labs.

5 CP


System-Driven Hardware Design

Content of the course “System Driven Hardware Design – Lecture”

Participants will gain work experience in developing hardware and software of an electronic system. The course will cover:

- Partitioning of a system in hardware, software parts and necessary peripherals components

- interface design to peripheral components, to other systems and to humans

- designing of a PCB, taking signal integrity, hardware and software test possibilities and production rules into account

- software development for hardware test

- view on mechanical constraints

- production methods


Content of the course “System Driven Hardware Design – Lab”

Development of a system consisting of software and hardware parts:

- Developing a PCB

- Soldering a PCB

- test of hardware – software interaction

- hardware and software start-up

- debugging

5 CP


Fields, Waves and Antennas

Module Content


The goal of the module is to treat electromagnetic (EM) theory concepts in depth, which were used in a variety of applications in different communications engineering fields like microwave engineering, optical communications, electromagnetic compatibility, mobile and satellite communications, radar technology, antenna engineering etc. Students will be enabled to apply these concepts both theoretically and practically, e.g. by using simulation software systems (CST Microwave Studio, Sonnet, EZNEC, etc.) and measurement verification.

The course consists of:

1) A lecture part covering topics like Maxwell’s equations, fields in different media, the wave equation and basic plane wave solution, plane wave reflection from a media interface, polarization, basic antenna concepts, transmission lines and waveguides, simulation methods, e.g. method of moments, etc.;

2) A laboratory part where different state-of-the-art CAD (computer aided design) tools are applied to design and analysis of exemplary applications of the concepts covered in the lecture, e.g.

• Design and analysis of single element linear antennas and multiple element antennas with feeding networks or radiation coupled elements (e.g. Yagi antenna) by the use of e.g. EZNEC.

• Analysis of transmission lines and waveguides (RF and optical) with e.g. CST.

• Design and analysis of microwave components: e.g. design & analysis of couplers based on microstrip transmission lines by the aid of e.g. Sonnet.

• Radiation by aperture antennas e.g. by CST.

• Measurements and comparison with the numerical simulation results.


Thus this course provides fundamental concepts for other courses in communications master program, e.g. for modules “Optical Communications”, “Microwave Components and Systems”, “Mobile Communications” and “Wireless Systems”.



• Simulations of the fields, waves and antennas by using numerical simulation programs;

• Measurement of certain chosen antennas and comparison of the measurement results with the numerical results.

5 CP


Information Networks

Content of course ‘‘Information Networks - Lecture“

Participants will be exposed to gain experience of network structures and protocols in the WAN. The course will cover

- Actual trends and developments in WAN-technology

- OSI protocol stack for the WAN

- Optical transport networks (Layer 1 and 2 in WAN)

- Layer 2 protocols for network access

- MPLS in transport networks

- Development from IPv4 to IPv6

- Dynamic Routing in the WAN

- Introduction to Software defined networks (SDN)

- Quality of Service and Delay analysis of packet networks (Queue Theory)


Content of course ‘‘Information Networks - Lab“

Practical assignments related to WAN technology are part of the course.

- Configuration of Dynamic Routing and router firewalls

- Configuration of virtual servers and software defined networks (SDN)

- Measurement of QoS-Parameters under varying network conditions

5 CP


Modul Name



Digital Signal Processing Applications

Module Content

The course will cover the following areas:

Application of several digital signal processing techniques in the fields of communications, speech, audio and image processing (including medical imaging) based on e.g.

• Multi-rate signal processing techniques and filter bank applications

• Special transforms (e.g. Gabor transform, Wavelet transform, Radon transform)

2,5 CP


Wireless Systems (Technologies)Module Content Content of course „Wireless Systems (Technologies) – Lecture“:

- Basic principles: use cases, frequencies, propagation channels for wireless systems, modulation and coding principles, standardization bodies

- Communication systems: short range devices, wireless local area and wide range network technologies

- Broadcast systems: e.g. DVB and DAB, multi frequency and single frequency networks

- Radar technologies for automotive and industrial applications

2,5 CP


Network Security

Module Content


• Concept and functionalities of network security

• Specific QoS and security requirements of the mission-critical real-time applications and broadband multimedia network technologies

• Advanced network security technologies (Encryption, Digital Signature, Authentication, Firewall, VPN, Security Gateways etc.)

• Network management systems TMN and SNMP


Demo Lab during the lecture:

Demonstration Lab helps to better understand the above-mentioned security aspects and functionalities.

2,5 CP


Mobile Communications

Module Content



2,5 CP


Optical Communications

Module Content Lecture:

• Advanced characteristics and production technologies of optical fibers

• Solutions of the electromagnetic wave equations

• Advanced analyses of the mechanisms for dispersions and attenuations

• Nonlinear effects and their impacts and applications (e.g. soliton)

• Optical fiber connections: theoretical and practical considerations

• Advanced theoretical considerations and optimizations of optical sources (Laser Diode / LED) and detectors (PIN-, APD-Photodiode), receivers for optical communications

• Optical amplifiers: characterization and comparison of different principles

• Polarization: theoretical and practical fundamentals and their influence to fiber optical systems (e.g. polarization modal dispersion PMD)

• Fiber optical systems: fundamentals and limitations

• Basics of coherent optical communication systems

• Special optical communication devices and modern systems

Demo Lab during the lecture:

Demonstration Lab helps to better understand the above-mentioned optical communication system aspects and functionalities.

2,5 CP


(I)Iot and Cloud Networking

Module Content

Participants will be exposed to gain experience in Internet of Things (IoT) networking, in particular

Smart Home and Cloud-Networks, Smart-Grid-Communication and Cloud based industrial networks.

The course will cover:


- Development trends of the IoT and technological roadmap

- Reference model for IoT networks and Industrial Internet

- General terminology, structure and components of IoT and Cloud networks

- Technological challenges of IoT

- Assessment of network technologies and (new) protocols for Fog and Cloud networks

- Security assessment of IoT networks

- Design cases of Smart Grid/Smart Home and Industrial Internet


Networks for Smart Home and Smart Industry


2,5 CP


Model-based Real-time Simulation of Mechatronic Systems

Module Content

Model-based Real-time Simulation of Mechatronic Systems – lecture

This course provides the concepts of model-based real-time simulation and system design.

The course covers the areas:

- Modelling and classification of mechatronic systems

- Application areas, requirements

- Real-time simulation and rapid prototyping methods

- Hardware-in-the-loop, software-in-the-loop and processor-in-the-loop

- Experimental validation and testing methods

- Summary, Conclusion and future prospects


Model-based Real-time Simulation of Mechatronic Systems – lab

This lab provides projects to design model-based real-time simulation and system design.

The lab covers the areas:

- Introduction MATLAB/SIMULINK

- Software and function development process

- Real-time simulation and rapid prototyping applications

- Automatic code generation

- Experimental validation and testing methods

5 CP


High Level Language Frameworks

Module Content

Participants will be introduced to the development of graphical applications using Android and JAVA.

The course will cover

- JAVA language basics

- Threads and synchronization

- Framework tools, f.ex. from Android

- Graphical user interfaces

Practical programming assignments in JAVA and Android will be part of the course.

5 CP


Human Machine Interfaces (HMI)

Module Content

• Human senses

• Human perception

• Interaction channels between humans and machines

• General design aspects

• Modeling of user interaction (UML-based architecture design)

• Usability / user experience

• Machine interfaces (widgets, IO, WIMP and post-WIMP interfaces)

• Testing (software, user and field tests)

2,5 CP


Autonomous Mobile Robots

Module Content

Introduction to

- Application examples

- Locomotion

- Kinematics of mobile robots

- Perception for mobile robots

- Characteristics of mobile robots in structured and unstructured environments

- Mobile robot localization methods, algorithms

- Planning and navigation, incl. maps, methods for autonomous map generation and obstacle avoidance

- Navigation architectures of autonomous mobile robots

- Showcase demonstration and validation of methods using laboratory systems

5 CP


Advanced Graphical Programming of Control Systems

Module Content

• Modeling of user interaction

• LabVIEW Queued Message Handler

• One-to-many communication.

• Managing Software Engineering in Graphical Languages

• Advanced Architectures for Graphical Languages in LabVIEW

• Object-Oriented Design and Graphical Programming

• Performance of Graphical Languages

2,5 CP


Advanced Sensors for Internet of Things

Module Content

• The principles of sensor systems

• Sensor limits and restrictions

• Sensor validation

• Sensor types and placement

• Data analysis and filtering

• Sensor algorithms

• Condition monitoring

• Localization and navigation systems

• Deep Learning and Machine Learning

• Blockchain and smart contracting

2,5 CP


Safety in Embedded Control Systems

Content of course “Safety in Embedded Control Systems”

Participants will be exposed to and gain working experience with safety standards and safety architectures for embedded control systems. The course will cover

- introduction to safety standards like IEC61508 and ISO26262,

- analysis of safety cases,

- fundamental concepts for functional safety,

- development of fail safe and fail operational architectures

- concepts for avoiding systematic software errors (coding standards like MISRA, reviews, test strategies),

- concepts for dealing with sporadic errors,

- design patterns for freedom from interference,

- analysis of the features of modern safety controllers.


2,5 CP


Advanced Software Design Techniques

Content of course “Advanced Software Design Techniques”

Review of fundamental concepts of a widely used object oriented programming language. The course will cover

- advanced data and class structures

- differences and interoperability of C and C++

- polymorphism,

- generic programming,

- introduction to the STL, string and stream library of C++,

- coding standards (MISRA),

- software metrics,

- design patterns,

- refactoring techniques,

- extensions of the C++ standard.

Design aspects like modularity, performance and software re-use will be discussed. Developing software designs using the UML and CASE tools as well as extensive hands-on programming assignments in C/C++ are an integral part of the course.

5 CP


Stationary & Mobile Energy Storage Systems

Content of course „ Stationary & Mobile Energy Storage Systems”:

Participants will be exposed to and gain theoretical experience with energy storage systems (stationary and mobile solutions). The course will cover:

- Importance of storage systems for modern energy systems and mobility

- General characteristic parameters and technical requirements of energy storage systems.

- Stationary energy storage systems:

- Design and dimensioning of compressed air energy storage systems and application examples in network protection (third level frequency control).

- Design and dimensioning of pump storage energy systems and their application limits.

- Potential of hydrogen energy storage systems: technical feasibility and burden.

- Power-to-Gas solutions and application experience.

- Innovative energy storage solutions (like thermo-electrical energy storage systems, inverse air compressed storage systems in deep water, pump storage in offshore environment) and critical comparison. Technical potential will be critical discussed against series production challenge.

- Methods to choose the most suited energy storage concept as a function of the technical requirement versus costs.

- Mobile energy storage systems:

- Battery cell technologies. Design and dimensioning of battery energy storage systems and battery management systems.

- Design of fuel cells and hydrogen storage

- Double layer capacitors and design and dimensioning of super caps energy storage systems.

- Flywheel storage

5 CP

In its meeting on 31.01.2023, our departmental council decided to include the Legal English module in the module catalogue from the summer semester 2023 onwards.
We inform here in advance about the module description for the module  "Legal English".