Technical Bridging Classes
The Masters course at Hochschule Darmstadt is based on the high standards of the h_da. Although we have thorougly checked the technical background of every student when applying, experience shows, that students coming from different universities usually have a different level of knowledge in different topics.
Furthermore, not every university puts an as strong emphasis as the H-DA on the ability to apply your knowledge in real project scenarios.
Therefore mandatory technical courses, which take place in September and March will help you to "get on speed" quickly.
The applicants for this master program come from different universities, each with a different emphasis in the bachelor education. Although we only select candidates, having a strong academic and professional background, we recommend to use the time between the admission to our program and your trip to Germany to prepare for the classes.
We will provide bridging classes for all students during the month of September, but we highly encourage you to prepare the subjects mentioned below.
H-DA bachelors have had around 6 courses on C/C++ programming and microcontrollers. As a consequence, the programming subjects very often are a struggle for international students. When coming to the H-DA, we expect the following:
- Excellent C programming skills
- Good C++ programming skills
- Basic understanding of the UML
- Good Matlab and Simulink programming skills.
In order to sharpen your skills, you may want to check:
For programming, we will use the tools Eclipse, Together and various embedded toolchains.
Furthermore we recommend to sharpen your skills in mathematics. Mathematics will be an integral part of all majors:
- Fourier & Laplace Transforms
- Integral and Differential Calculus
- Statistics
For the major automation, we recommend the following upfront studies:
- Control Systems
- Basics on Robotics
- Java programming
For the major communication, we recommend to study the following topics up-front:
- Matlab and Simulink Programming
- KiCAD tutorials
- Fourier transforms
- Modulation Techniques
- TEM Transmission Lines
The major embedded and microelectronics will focus on hardware and software development for microelectronic and embedded systems. Please prepare:
- Embedded C programming
- KiCAD tutorials
- Realtime operating systems
- Microcontrollers (ARM)
- Digital Architecture and Filters fundamentals
- VHDL and System Verilog
For power engineering, please prepare:
- High Voltage Technology
- Maxwell Equations basics
- Field and potential distributions of common geometries
- Field distributions of inhomogeneous elements
- Matlab/Simulink
September Classes |
March Classes |
The september classes will focus on programming skills for the different majors. |
The classes in march will focus on the subject and projects for the summer semester. |
Fundamentals of C programming using Eclipse will be offered for all majors. |
Automation students will in addition attend a hands-on lab on PLC programming. |
Automation students will revise the fundamentals of control and system theory |
Communication students will dive into the Matlab environment |
Communication and Embedded students will design and implement their first hardware system using KiCAD |
Embedded students will implement their first ECU on the PSOC microcontroller board |
Power students will get an introduction of the power labs they will be working in. |
Power students will focus on model based design of electronic power systems |
Furthermore, visits to different industrial fairs like the Embedded World will be offered. |