
Key dates summer term

Lecture period at the department EIT

15.04.2024 – 19.07.2024

Exam registration period for labs and projects

01.04.2024 – 08.04.2024

Exam registration period for exams and seminars

01.04.2024 – 14.06.2024

Last possible date for the return of a project topic (via PA form)


Last possible date for the deregistration for labs


Examination period

22.07.2024 – 09.08.2024


Excursion to Heidelberg

Saturday, 07.09.2024

Graduation Ceremony

Friday, 25.10.2024



Following is the process and the link to access the upgrade of the RMV semester ticket as a Deutschlandticket:


Instructions for accessing the digital semester ticket (pdf)

In the event that the campus card has not been validated for a while - please use this link: Link for activating the nationwide semester ticket => "Change personal data / apply for semester ticket". The further process is then as described above.

With the introduction of the nationwide semester ticket, the imprint “RMV-AStA-Semesterticket” on the student ID card is irrelevant and no longer has any function!

The campus card then only has the following functions:

  • Proof of student status (validity period),
  • library card
  • cafeteria payment card,
  • Locking authorizations at the university
  • Cultural ticket for theater and museum,
  • but no as a ticket!

  • Only students enrolled at h_da with a valid RMV semester ticket are entitled to purchase or hold the upgrade.
  • The offer is voluntary and must be paid for by each user.
  • The upgrade currently costs EUR 26.46 per month (EUR 49 - 1/6 of the price of the RMV semester ticket [EUR 135.23])
  • in addition to SEPA, the payment options PayPal and credit card are also possible
  • The Deutschlandticket is issued as an upgrade.
  • The Deutschlandticket is subject to the general fare regulations and is valid throughout Germany in 2nd class on local and regional transport.
  • It is only available as a mobile phone ticket.
  • The upgrade can also be purchased at any time for the current month.
  • It is only valid for one calendar month.
  • It is offered as a subscription with a monthly cancellation option.
  • The cancellation period is the 10th of the month to the end of the month!

How to apply:

  • If you have any questions or queries, please contact ASTA.

As before, there are also a for reimbursement options for the nationwide semester ticket. These include

  • semesters on leave
  • a stay abroad for at least 3 months in the semester of application
  • double degree studies (if the other university also has the nationwide semester ticket)
  • severe disability with a corresponding token and possession of the Hessen state ticket

Applications for a refund can be submitted via semesterticket-asta.h-da.de and are possible from April 1 - 30 (for the summer semester) or October 1 - 31 (for the winter semester).
If you would like to find out in advance where and how exactly the new semester ticket is valid, etc., you can read about this on our website. The FAQ: RMV semester ticket / nationwide semester ticket - Wir bewegen Dich - AStA Hochschule Darmstadt (asta-hochschule-darmstadt.de)
If you have any further questions, please contact the Department of Sustainability and Mobility: mobilitaet@asta-hda.de

The text is originally in German on the AStA Website is translated for you.

Important for your study life!

Student Affairs

  • Student Affairs
  • Campus Life
  • Intercultural Life in Darmstadt


  • Programme
  • Pre-Classes and Courses,
  • Forms and Templates etc.

IT for students

  • CampusCard
  • re-register
  • master password
  • self-service function
  • activate / reset h-da account
  • change personal data

Organising your studies

Your Second Year!

Internship / Master Thesis

  • Internship
  • Master thesis


  • Job Applications
  • Working in Germany

Other Resources

Meldeamt / Ausländeramt

  • City Registration at the Meldeamt
  • Residence Permit at the Ausländerbehörde (Foreigners' Office)

No Accommodation for the 2nd year? ➔ Try the following links:

News for enrolled MSE-students

Sprechstunde / Office hour Prof. Wirth

Meine SSprechstunde findet heute und in den weiteren Klausurwochen online statt (Do. 12:30 - 13:30). /
My office hour will take place online today and…


Neu: Kommunikation zum FB EIT

Anfragen an die Prüfungsausschüsse werden ab sofort nur über die Onlineplattform angenommen.
